
Born 1990
165 cm

Price: $1150 GST Incl. 3 inseminations (discounted 50%)
Stud: De Dalhoeve – Holland


Roemer Westf Cronella Westf
Sire: Darwin
Zonnatettie Pion
Inge Tetti
Herrscher Holst
Amor Barba Holst
Dam: Doornroos
Ulrica Officer Hann

Darwin, the sire of Inspekteur, was described as a straightforward, friendly and obedient stallion and a particularly eager worker, finishing 3rd in his performance test in 1988, scoring 9’s for training, temperament, rideability and trot. He became Champion of 1989/1990 National Stallion Dressage Competition category A under Leida Strijk to claim the same Championship again the following year in the heaviest category. No less than three of his sons were sent to Ermelo in 1993. His son Inspekteur received approval.

This stallion is a riding type which means that the wither is higher than the highest point at the back. Inspekteur is an honest, trustworthy and happy stallion. He loves to work and is trying to learn all the time. His trot is active. In the trot there is very good movement of the hindquarters. In the canter he is very balanced. This stallion has an inclination towards dressage and makes the rider feel very good. Inspekteur is not so much a natural jumping stallion as a dressage stallion. His behaviour in the saddle is very good.

Performance scores: 8.5 walk, 9 trot, 8 canter, 8.5 rideability, 5 jumping, 4.5 free jumping, 9 handling, 8 trainability.

The 1994 foals were more than satisfactory with a good trot and an even use of front and hind quarters. He produces horses with strong hind legs and they are all very nice types. They have great walks and a very good character. If you want to breed power and front or if you have a mare that is a bit long in the back it would be good to use this stallion.

Ridden by Marlies van Baalen, Ispekteur gained many Champion and European medals. In the young rider combinations he was in front with two times gold and one silver. Other competition results include:
1997 Champion of Ermelo, ZZ light Champion at Weert
1998 Zwolle ZZ light and two times first place scoring 70-75%. Nijmegan Junior Dutch Champion.
1999 Started international level. Nijmegan Dutch Champion Young Rider. Bremen 3 times first place and won the European Future Cup.
2000 European Young Rider Champion. Hickstead-Team gold and individual bronze. Zuidlaren-won three tests and became indoor champion light tour.
2001 European Champion Young Rider. Iserlohn (Ger) Team gold and individual 4th.


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