Hengststation Bockmann – Germany

Website: www.hengststation-boeckmann.de

Terms of sale:
Two Options of Sale are available for a selection of stallions.

Choose either option One or Two for those that can be bought either per single insemination option OR per 3 inseminations for the season price (pregnancy guarantee).

Option One: Price is for single insemination dose. One insemination purchased for one pregnancy permitted.
No pregnancy guarantee. No semen is to be given/sold on to anyone else for the purposes of achieving a pregnancy.

Option Two: Season price for three inseminations given, for one guaranteed pregnancy at 80 days. If pregnant mare slips before 80 days, any semen remaining from the original three inseminations issued may be used to achieve another pregnancy at no additional cost, but must be used in the same current season. If there is no further semen left a refund will be paid. No responsibility is taken for a pregnancy after 80 days.  If mare does not get in foal with three inseminations, a refund will be paid.

Please choose either Option 1 OR Two when an option is available.

A selected showcase of Bockmann Stable stallions are shown here, but if interested in any other of their stallions please contact IHB for availability and price and ORDER BY END OF JULY.
IHB reserves the right to change prices if necessary.

Click on a Stallion below for more information