
Born 2015

Ln 418180141715

Od Int

WFFS neg

Price: $986 for 1 ins max 1 pregnancy
Stud: State Stud Celle – Germany


Heartbreaker Bacarole
Sire: Toulon
Nikita Jokinal de Bornival
Canturo Fara
Dam: Contessa D St Pr St
D-Cremona El St Corrado 1

Touloop H is a striking young athlete who completely convinced judges at his licensing.

An athlete from head to toe, who completely convinced the experts from day one. This typey and jumping son of Toulon convinces with excellent manner on the jump and perfectly played ability. Always ready to perform and committed, with excellent rideability, Touloop-H completed his stallion performance test with a weighted final score of 8.05.

Touloop ́s dam, St.Pr.St. Contessa D, was 2011 OS winner mare and already brought a licensed young stallion from Kannan. His grandmother (v. Corrado I) looks back on internationally successful sons and daughters in top-class sport. Arado under Joachim Heyer, Gran Corrado under Yves Houtackers (NLD) or Nonplusultra with Fahad Prince Al Shalaan collected successes up to class S****.

His sire is none other than the top athlete Toulon.  Horse of the Year and BWP Ambassador with high standings in numerous Grand Prix with rider Hubet Bourdy, duo became winner in the Grand Prix of Sao Paulo and second in the Grand Prix of Calgary.

HLP Jumping 7.96

"Touloop – H", v. Toulon x Canturo, geb. 2015

Es geht weiter mit dem nächsten Vererber unserer Station. Touloop-H, stammt aus der Zucht der Erfolgsstätte Edith Dierker aus Lindern und befindet sich im Besitz der Heinrichs Horses aus Heinsberg. 2018 und 2019 konnte man Touloop-H über das Landgestüt Celle beziehen. Aus dem ersten Fohlenjahrgang resultierten sportliche, lanbeinige und moderne Fohlen. Ausserdem ist die sehr gute Galoppade dieser Fohlen hervorzuheben.Touloop-H ist ein moderner, blutgeprägter Hengst, der durch seine positive Einstellung zum Sport, den Weg in den internationalen Spitzensport gehen wird.

Posted by Böckmann Pferde on Friday, 3 April 2020






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