Fetse 349

Born 1993
167 cm

Price: $3100 GST Incl.
Stud: Groot Archem – Holland


Mark P
Jochem Ottsje S+P
Sire: Feitse P
Lysebet S+P Bjinse
Ankje M+P
Wessel P
Djurre Wijkje M+P+PM
Dam: Ordina B. S
Erma M Reitse P
Heabel S

Terms of sale:
Three inseminations of semen are supplied for $1670. Breeding fee for a pregnancy is also to be paid up front of $1430. If a pregnancy is not achieved after three inseminations a refund of $1430 is given. Any semen left over from an AI program once a mare is in foal is to be returned to IHB and the price of unused semen will be refunded.

Fetse 349 is a 1st Premium Stallion with 4 approved sons: Teeuwis 389, Time 398, Wobke 403 and Ymte 407. His offspring win lots of prices at the keuring and he is approved on his offsping


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